Popular Exercise Myths


Myth: More is better

Truth: Better is better

Myth: The ideal workout lasts more than one hour

Truth: The ideal workout lasts less than one hour

Myth: Aerobic exercises are the best form of exercises for burning fat.

Truth: Resistance exercises are the best form of exercises for burning fat.

Myth: It is okay to lift weights every day.

Truth: It is not okay to lift weights every day, regardless which body parts you train.

Myth: Light weights with high repetitions is the best way to improve muscle definition and burn fat.

Truth: It is the worst way to improve muscle definition and burn fat.

Myth: To maximize fat loss, aerobic exercises should be performed slower and longer.

Truth: To maximize fat loss, aerobic exercises should be performed faster and shorter.

Myth: The key to success from exercising is hard work – the harder you work, the better the results.

Truth: No brain, no gain. Overtrain, no gain.

Myth: Stretching is the best way to warm up, and it reduces the likelihood of injury.

Truth: Stretching is a terrible way to warm up, and it increases the likelihood of injury (Never stretch a cold muscle)

Myth: Lifting weights will make a woman bulkier and bigger.

Truth: Lifting weights will make a woman slimmer and smaller.

Contact Dr. Sutanto at 630-241-1144 or use the following link to send him an email.

Dr. John Sutanto

Exercise Myths